biogeek finance

Biotechnology has the potential to see the same kind of financial growth that has swept through the technology sectors. As a scientist it may be easy to see the potential for the area of research you work in. At the same time it is also easy to look back at the failures whose potential never materialized. This page is not intended to give advice for investments. It is provided here as a resource for financial research that is available on the web. There are several good sites listed below.

For a good centralized place to monitor the activity of biotech market and indexes try Eugenesis stock page for an update on what is happening on a daily basis Biocatalyst want to provide " Finance, Management, Operations for young biotechnology ventures. If your are not trying to start your own biotech company, it still provides an interesting look at how to get started and where these companies come from. This is the UK biotech industry association page. This is home of the biotech sage report, the monthly newsletter providing analyses, interpretations, news, company developments and commentaries for those who invest in biotechnology stocks.

recombinant capital This provides great resources in the form of databases on recent deals in the biotech industry, on the biotech companies, clinical trials and more. It is also the host of , the online magazine of biotechnology industry analysis.

The biotech sector has resembled a roller coaster ride more than anything else. While is possible to see the potential for the progress that biotechnology is making daily, actually producing a profit from these discoveries is a process that takes years. For some discussion about the current state of biotech from the financial standpoint try these commentaries for Money Magazine and the Motley Fool site.

If you are looking for in depth financial analysis, try these sites. Some are dedicated web sites and two of them are financial news letters that are devoted to biotechnology.

Try Genetic Engineering News if you want industry information, they have been covering biotech/pharma for 20 years now. If you subscribe to their free publication, it includes the gendex index of biotech stocks and provides a brief overview of recent biotech stock activity.

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